
问题:求 J.Med.Chem ,41 (14), 2553 -2564, 1998.全文,定加分!
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时间:2006-07-27 16:14:01  编辑    加入/取消收藏    订制/取消短消息    举报该贴    

Three-Dimensional Quantitative Similarity-Activity Relationships (3D QSiAR) from SEAL Similarity Matrices
Hugo Kubinyi,* Fred A. Hamprecht, and Thomas Mietzner
Main Laboratory, BASF AG, D-67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany, and Department of Chemistry, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland
Received October 27, 1997
The program SEAL is suited to describe the electrostatic, steric, hydrophobic, and hydrogen bond donor and acceptor similarity of different molecules in a quantitative manner. Similarity scores AF can be calculated for pairs of molecules, using either a certain molecular property or a sum of weighted properties. Alternatively, their mutual similarity can be derived from distances d or covariances c between SEAL-based property fields that are calculated in a regular grid. For a set of N chemically related molecules, such values form an N × N similarity matrix which can be correlated with biological activities, using either regression analysis and an appropriate variable selection procedure or partial least-squares (PLS) analysis. For the Cramer steroid data set, the test set predictivities (r2pred = 0.53-0.84) of different PLS models, based on a weighted sum of molecular properties, are superior to published results of CoMFA and CoMSIA studies (r2pred = 0.31-0.40), regardless of whether a common alignment or individual, pairwise alignments of all molecules are used in the calculation of the similarity matrices. Training and test set selections have a significant influence on the external predictivities of the models. Although the SEAL similarity score between two molecules is a single number, its value is based on the 3D properties of both molecules. The term 3D quantitative similarity-activity analyses (3D QSiAR) is proposed for approaches which correlate 3D structure-derived similarity matrices with biological activities.
回复人:haiwenwang, (chemistry^_^) 时间:2006-07-27 19:30:47   编辑 1楼

回复人:lizhi, (药物分子设计) 时间:2006-08-02 08:59:20   编辑 2楼


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