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回复人:cherry79, () 时间:2006-08-22 17:45:38   编辑 1楼

回复人:Phyyx, (基础比较差) 时间:2006-08-22 19:00:06   编辑 2楼
Kameyama, Atsushi; Kiyota, Masahiro; Nishikubo, Tadatomi. New ring-opening reaction of thiiranes with carboxylic acid derivatives catalyzed by quaternary onium salts. Tetrahedron Letters (1994), 35(26), 4571-4. CODEN: TELEAY ISSN:0040-4039. CAN 121:108135 AN 1994:508135 CAPLUS

Lee, Young Bok; Goo, Yang Mo; Lee, Youn Young. Another evidence for the formation of 2-amino-1,3-oxathiolane tetrahedral intermediate in the Pinner type reaction of nitriles with 2-mercaptoethanol; formation of 2-chlorothio esters and 2-mercaptoethyl esters from nitriles. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society (1992), 13(1), 9-10. CODEN: BKCSDE ISSN:0253-2964. CAN 116:213984 AN 1992:213984 CAPLUS

Batyrbaev, N. A.; Zorin, V. V.; Zlotskii, S. S.; Rakhmankulov, D. L. Kinetics and mechanism of the homolytic transformations of 1,3-oxathiolanes in a carbon tetrachloride medium. Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii (1983), 19(2), 421-6. CODEN: ZORKAE ISSN:0514-7492. CAN 98:197353 AN 1983:197353 CAPLUS

Batyrbaev, N. A.; Zorin, V. V.; Zlotskii, S. S.; Rakhmankulov, D. L. Homolytic transformations of 1,3-oxathiolanes in the presence of polyhalomethanes. Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii (1982), 18(6), 1334-5. CODEN: ZORKAE ISSN:0514-7492. CAN 97:144305 AN 1982:544305 CAPLUS

Mazeika, I.; Kupcs, T.; Kurgane, B.; Hillers, S. Fragmentation of S-(2-chloroethyl) esters of thiocarboxylic acids under electron impact. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis, Kimijas Serija (1977), (4), 471-5. CODEN: LZAKAM ISSN:0002-3248. CAN 87:183639 AN 1977:583639 CAPLUS

Tutane, I.; Stradins, J.; Kurgane, B.; Hillers, S. Polarographic behavior of thiol esters of aromatic and furancarboxylic acids. Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii (1971), 41(9), 1912-15. CODEN: ZOKHA4 ISSN:0044-460X. CAN 76:30126 AN 1972:30126 CAPLUS

Kurgans, B.; Gruze, A. A.; Lukevics, E.; Hillers, S. 2-Haloethyl and 2-haloethylthio esters of carboxylic acids of the furan series. Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii (1967), (1), 18-21. CODEN: KGSSAQ ISSN:0132-6244. CAN 67:53944 AN 1967:453944 CAPLUS

回复人:cherry79, () 时间:2006-08-22 21:23:10   编辑 3楼

回复人:wenchunlin,▲▲▲ (欢迎光临我的论坛http://www.happychem.com.cn/bbs) 时间:2006-08-23 09:47:17   编辑 4楼

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