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回复人:lzky417, (wu) 时间:2006-04-01 10:30:03   编辑 1楼

回复人:lzky417, (wu) 时间:2006-04-01 10:31:35   编辑 2楼

回复人:flychem, () 时间:2006-10-15 08:21:01   编辑 3楼

回复人:zhipengliu, () 时间:2006-11-01 00:46:39   编辑 4楼

回复人:guangle10, () 时间:2007-03-14 21:26:44   编辑 5楼

回复人:chemsong,▲▲▲ () 时间:2005-05-12 12:22:07   编辑 6楼

回复人:天涯有我, (新手,大家多关照) 时间:2005-05-12 13:30:19   编辑 7楼

回复人:zhixiangch,▲▲▲▲ (希望来这里和大家交朋友,相互交流和学习知识。) 时间:2005-05-12 15:56:38   编辑 8楼

回复人:zhixiangch,▲▲▲▲ (希望来这里和大家交朋友,相互交流和学习知识。) 时间:2005-05-12 16:04:15   编辑 9楼

回复人:zhixiangch,▲▲▲▲ (希望来这里和大家交朋友,相互交流和学习知识。) 时间:2005-05-12 16:49:54   编辑 10楼
The BioMedNet web site closed on 30 June 2004. Please use the links below for further information on how to access content and services that were previously available on BioMedNet

Related Resources From Elsevier
Your Data and Alerting Services
Gateways & News (including the Magazine)
Journal Collection (including personal Trends and Current Opinion subscriptions)
Research Tools (including MEDLINE, Techniques, Labware and PT Base)
Research Update
MKMD (Mouse Knockout And Mutation Database)
Why Was BioMedNet Closed?

The BioMedNet web site closed on 30 June 2004. Please use the links below for further information on how to access content and services that were previously available on BioMedNet.

Related Resources From Elsevier
Your Data and Alerting Services
Gateways & News (including the Magazine)
Journal Collection (including personal Trends and Current Opinion subscriptions)
Research Tools (including MEDLINE, Techniques, Labware and PT Base)
Research Update
MKMD (Mouse Knockout And Mutation Database)
Why Was BioMedNet Closed?

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Full text of the articles hosted on Elsevier's life science gateways is hosted by ScienceDirect* - the world's largest full text database with over 1800 titles, including an extensive backfiles programme, containing over 3 million articles.

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Author Gateway
The Author Gateway, which can be accessed via Elsevier抯 life science gateways, is Elsevier's online tool for authors. It allows authors to view and access the information and tools they need to speed up the publication process, as well as stay informed of new journal content and books from Elsevier

New Scientist
The ultimate science and technology website, includes Daily News, Books, Interviews, Weblinks and Jobs.

Job searches can be carried out from Elsevier抯 life science gateways, via ScienceJobs.com, the leading online science recruitment service for job seekers and employers. Job seekers can search from an extensive database of over 1,000 jobs, sign up for email alerts, and post their resume in ScienceJobs.com Resume Database. Employers can advertise their vacancies to reach today's top scientific candidates.


Your Data and Alerting Services

Where possible we will continue to provide any e-mail alerts previously requested in your personal profile.

If you were a registered user of BioMedNet your personal registration data and e-mail alerting choices can be found on our new alerting hub at www.elsevier-alerts.com/lifesciences/index.asp

In order to confirm your identity and to protect your privacy we'll ask you to login to manage your e-mail alerts and personal profile. Login with the e-mail address we used to contact you and use your BioMedNet username as your password.

If you previously opted out of all BioMedNet mailings your data has not been transferred. We would be delighted to welcome you back. Please register again as new customer of Elsevier Ltd.

For more information on these changes please see here.


Gateways & News

News And Features
BioMedNet News and Features closed in March 2004. However, journals that publish news, for example Drug Discovery Today, will continue to do so. These articles can be accessed at http://www.sciencedirect.com

Life Science Gateways
We are continuing to send the Drug Discovery, Infectious Diseases and Neuroscience gateways.

The BioMedNet Magazine
The Magazine has been replaced by a new magazine format: the Life Science Review Magazine.


Journal Collection

All journals available through BioMedNet's Journal Collection are available for access on ScienceDirect. Those who do not have institutional access to Science Direct can obtain full text articles through pay per view.

Personal Subscribers to Trends and Current Opinion titles
Online access to your personal subscription - for all Trends, Current Opinion and Drug Discovery Today journals - is now available on another Elsevier platform, powered by ScienceDirect providing you with unparalleled reliability and functionality. Please click here for further information.

TOC alerts
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You can search and browse Elsevier's life science book program on our books website: http://books.elsevier.com


Research Tools

MEDLINE on BioMedNet
You can continue to use MEDLINE on Scirus, the search engine for science, at http://www.scirus.com

Please visit our partner site LabVelocity at http://researchlink.labvelocity.com/index.jhtml

Techniques Newsletters
We hope to continue this service after June 2004. We will send further information to newsletter subscribers in the near future.

Pharmacological Targets Database (PTBase)
Pharmacological Targets Database (PTBase) is no longer available. MDL
Elsevier has now released xPharm: a fully interactive
Pharmacological database, with 800% more target data than any other online source. xPharm covers molecular targets, agents, related
disorders, and the principles that govern their interactions. More information


Research Update

This service is no longer available.



If you have full text access to BioMedNet Reviews through a paid institutional subscription, your organization has been given access to a replacement reviews service on ScienceDirect, at http://www.sciencedirect.com.

For further information about these changes please click here.



MKMD has now closed. Discussions are in progress with a number of parties interested in hosting MKMD. In order for us to keep you fully up to date, please bookmark this page and continue revisiting. Or register for our alerting service and we will be happy to email you updates of developments as they happen. Thank you for your support of, and interest in MKMD.



You can continue to search for jobs or recruit online with our partner site Sciencejobs.com at http://www.sciencejobs.com



For any further information please contact your local Regional Science Direct Helpdesk.


Why Was BioMedNet Closed?

BioMedNet's main role had been as a tool to market Elsevier's life science products. After careful reviews of the costs and benefits involved, we decided to concentrate marketing resources into what we believe to be more efficient methods. We also believe that the investment saved can be channelled into the continued development of existing platforms such as ScienceDirect.

The decision also supports customers who have told us that they would prefer a single platform to access all full text from Elsevier. It makes sense that this platform is ScienceDirect, a platform accessible by a huge number of researchers worldwide, and providing unparalleled reliability and functionality.

回复人:hong_shou, (我想在有机化学的大海中畅游!) 时间:2005-05-12 17:37:25   编辑 11楼
dao di shi zen me hui shi?

回复人:我住村外, (永远不够用——知识and人民币。) 时间:2005-06-15 08:45:16   编辑 12楼

回复人:tangyyer,★★★★★ (有空来逛逛my blog: http://tangyyer.blog.hexun.com) 时间:2005-06-16 13:06:30   编辑 13楼

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