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Chem. Eur. J. 1996, 2, 772
1996, 2, 1627

回复人:platoon, (有机化学) 时间:2007-09-03 16:32:06   编辑 1楼

回复人:chencww0,▲▲ () 时间:2007-09-03 20:04:00   编辑 2楼

回复人:huaxue01,▲▲ () 时间:2007-09-03 10:27:42   编辑 3楼
Heterocyclic carbenes. 5. N-Heterocyclic carbenes: generation under mild conditions and formation of Group 8-10 transition metal complexes relevant to catalysis. Herrmann, Wolfgang A.; Elison, Martina; Fischer, Jakob; Koecher, Christian; Artus, Georg R. J. Anorg.-Chem. Inst., Tech Univ. Muenchen, Garching, Germany. Chemistry--A European Journal (1996), 2(7), 772-780. Publisher: VCH, CODEN: CEUJED ISSN: 0947-6539. Journal written in English. CAN 125:248056 AN 1996:473535 CAPLUS


Stable mono- and dicarbene adducts of late transition metals are readily accessible either by reaction of imidazolium salts with metal complexes bearing basic ligands, or by the cleavage of chloro- and acetato-bridged dinuclear metal complexes with the free carbenes (e.g., 1,3-dimethylimidazoline-2-ylidene). A general novel method for the deprotonation of N-substituted azolium salts in liq. NH3-the liq. NH3 route-is described. This method yields not only the known free monomeric 1,3-dimethylimidazoline-2-ylidene in quant. yield, but also otherwise hardly accessible derivs. For example, imidazoline-2-ylidenes with linear, branched, cyclic, heteroatom-substituted and even chiral hydrocarbon residues can be obtained. The nucleophilic behavior of 1,3-dimethylimidazoline-2-ylidene is reported and compared with that of other donor ligands. Novel carbene complexes of RuII, RhI, PdII, OsII and IrI are presented. Reaction of the potentially chelating ligand 1,1'-(1,2-ethylene)-3,3'-dimethyldiimidazoline-2,2'-diylidene with [(COD)RhCl]2 yields a dinuclear complex, in which two Rh centers are linked by the dicarbene bridge. Four single-crystal x-ray diffraction structures of new metal-carbene complexes (Rh, Os) are reported, e.g. I. N-Heterocyclic carbene complexes of Group 8-10 transition metals are both thermally and chem. very stable. They do not show the typical reactivity of metal-C double bonds. For a no. of reasons, these complexes must be regarded as donor adducts of the Lewis-basic imidazoline-2-ylidene ligand and the Lewis-acidic organometallic fragment.
Heterocyclic carbenes: 6. A high-yielding synthesis of novel, functionalized N-heterocyclic carbenes in liquid ammonia. Herrmann, Wolfgang A.; Koecher, Christian; Goossen, Lukas J.; Artus, Georg R. J. Inst. der Technischen, Univ. Muenchen, Garching, Germany. Chemistry--A European Journal (1996), 2(12), 1627-1636. Publisher: VCH, CODEN: CEUJED ISSN: 0947-6539. Journal written in English. CAN 126:186020 AN 1997:55453 CAPLUS


To date the only free carbenes of the imidazoline-2-ylidene type to have been described in the literature are those bearing simple hydrocarbon or haloalkyl and-aryl substituents. A novel, versatile and high-yielding method for the synthesis of N-heterocyclic carbenes, i.e. 1,3-dihydro-2H-imidazol-2-ylidenes I (r = alkyl, cyclohexyl, Me, etc.)in a mixt. of liq. ammonia and aprotic org. solvents was reported. Deprotonation of imidazolium precursor salts proceeded under mild conditions within a few minutes at temps. below -30°C, and side reactions were avoided. The imidazolium salts were much more sol. in org. solvents if liq. ammonia was added. Furthermore, the acidity of the C-2 protons appeared to be enhanced by hydrogen bonding. Not only were the known free ylidenes conveniently and quant. accessible by this procedure, but also novel functionalized derivs. that were not accessible by known procedures. Imidazoline-2-ylidenes with linear, branched, cyclic, heteroatom-substituted (O, N, P) and chiral hydrocarbon residues were accessible through the novel route. Stable carbene-metal adducts were conveniently obtained by treating the free carbenes with chloro- or acetato-bridged dinuclear metal complexes, or by displacement of coordinated ligands such as carbon monoxide, THF or acetonitrile by the free carbenes. The syntheses of novel imidazolium salts, N-heterocyclic carbenes and carbene adducts of RuII, RhI, W0 and sulfur were reported, and the structures of five products analyzed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. N-Heterocyclic carbenes bearing functionalized side chains were important because a no. of these complexes showed excellent activity in catalytic reactions. They did not show the typical reactivity of metal-carbon double bonds and were remarkably stable both thermally and chem. For a no. of reasons, they were best viewed as donor adducts of the highly Lewis basic imidazoline-2-ylidene ligands and the Lewis acidic organometallic fragments.
The new synthetic procedure reported here made N-heterocyclic carbenes a generally accessible class of useful ligands in coordination chem. and catalysis. For example, the reaction of 1,3-dicyclohexylimidazoline-2-ylidene I (R = cyclohexyl) with tungstenhexacarbonyl gave the pentacarbonyl(1-cyclohexyl-1,3-dihydro-2H-imidazol-2-ylidene)tungsten II.

回复人:platoon, (有机化学) 时间:2007-09-03 23:51:35   编辑 4楼


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