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1 管道组成件 Piping component
1.1 管子 Pipe
管子(按照配管标准规格制造的) pipe
管子(不按配管标准规格制造的其他用管) tube
钢管 steel pipe
铸铁管 cast iron pipe
衬里管 lined pipe
复合管 clad pipe
碳钢管 carbon steel pipe
合金钢管 alloy steel pipe
不锈钢 stainless steel pipe
奥氏体不锈钢管 austenitic stainless steel pipe
铁合金钢管 ferritic alloy steel pipe
轧制钢管 wrought-steel pipe
锻铁管 wrought-iron pipe
无缝钢管 seamless (SMLS) steel pipe
焊接钢管 welded steel pipe
电阻焊钢管 electric-resistance welded steel pipe
电熔(弧)焊钢板卷管 electric-fusion (arc)-welded steel-plate pipe
螺旋焊接钢管 spiral welded steel pipe
镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe
热轧无缝钢管 hot-rolling seamless pipe
冷拔无缝钢管 cold-drawing seamless pipe
水煤气钢管 water-gas steel pipe
塑料管 plastic pipe
玻璃管 glass tube
橡胶管 rubber tube
直管 run pipe; straight pipe

1.2 管件 Fitting
弯头 elbow
异径弯头 reducing elbow
带支座弯头 base elbow
k半径弯头 long radius elbow
短半径弯头 short radius elbow
长半径180°弯头 long radius return
短半径180°弯头 short radius return
带侧向口的弯头(右向或左向) side outlet elbow (right hand or left hand)
双支管弯头( 形) double branch elbow
三通 tee
异径三通 reducing tee
等径三通 straight tee
带侧向口的三通(右向或左向) side outlet tee (right hand or 1eft hand)
异径三通(分支口为异径) reducing tee (reducing on outlet)
异径三通(一个直通口为异径)reducing tee (reducing on one run)
带支座三通 base tee
异径三通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing tee (reducing on one run and outlet)
异径三通(两个直通口为异径,双头式) reducing tee (reducing on both runs, bull head)
45°斜三通 45° lateral
45°斜三通(支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on branch)
45°斜三通(一个直通口为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run)
45°斜三通(一个直通口及支管为异径) 45° lateral (reducing on one run and branch)
Y型三通(俗称裤衩) true “Y”
四通 cross
等径四通 straight cross
异径四通 reducing cross
异径四通(一个分支口为异径)reducing cross (reducing on one outlet)
异径四通(一个直通口及分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on one run and outlet)
异径四通(两个分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on both outlet)
异径四通(一个直通口及两个分支口为异径) reducing cross (reducing on one run and both outlet)
异径管 reducer
同心异径管 concentric reducer
偏心异径管 eccentric reducer
锻制异径管 reducing swage
螺纹支管台 threadolet
焊接支管台 weldolet
承插支管台 sockolet
弯头支管台 elbolet
斜接支管台 latrolet
镶入式支管嘴 sweepolet
短管支管台 nipolet
支管台,插入式支管台 boss
管接头 coupling, full coupling
半管接头 half coupling
异径管接头 reducing coupling
活接头 union
内外螺纹缩接(俗称补芯) bushing
管帽 cap (C)
堵头 plug
短节 nipple
异径短节 reducing nipple; swage nipple

1.3 弯管 Bend
预制弯管 fabricated pipe bend
跨越弯管(^ 形) cross-over bend
偏置弯管(~ 形) offset bend
90°弯管 quarter bend
环形弯管 cirele bend
单侧偏置90°弯管(? 形) single offset quarter bend
S形弯管 “S” bend
单侧偏置U形膨胀弯管(| ?形) single offset “U” bend
U形弯管 “U” bend
双偏置U膨胀弯管 double offset expansion “U” bend
斜接弯管 mitre bend
三节斜接弯管 3-piece mitre bend
折皱弯管 corrugated bend
圆度 roundness

1.4 法兰 Flange (FLG)
整体管法兰 integral pipe flange
钢管法兰 steel pipe flange
螺纹法兰 threaded flange
滑套法兰(包括平焊法兰) slip-on flange (SO); slip-on welding flange
承插焊法兰 socket welding flange
松套法兰 lap joint flange (LJF)
对焊法兰 welding neckflange (WNF)
法兰盖 blind flange, blind
孔板法兰 orifice flange
异径法兰 reducing flange
盘座式法兰 pad type flange
松套带颈法兰 loose hubbed flange
焊接板式法兰 welding plate flange
对焊环 welding neck collar (与stub end相似)
平焊环 welding-on collar
突缘短节 stub end, lap
翻边端 lapped pipe end
松套板式法兰 loose plate flange
压力级 pressure rating, pressure rating class
压力—温度等级 pressure-temperature rating
法兰密封面,法兰面 flange facing
突面 raised face (RF)
凸面 male face (MF)
凹面 female face (FMF)
榫面 tongue face
槽面 groove face
环连接面 ring joint face
全平面;满平面 flat face; full face (FF)
光滑突面 smooth raised face (SRF)
法兰面加工 facing finish
粗糙度 roughness
光滑的 smooth
齿形 serrated
均方根 root mean square (RMS)
算术平均粗糙高度 arithmetical average roughness height (AARH)
配对法兰 companion-flange
螺栓圆 bolt circle (B.C.)

1.5 垫片 Gasket (GSKT)
垫片的型式 type of gasket
平垫片 flat gasket
环形平垫片 flat ring gasket
平金属垫片 flat metal gasket
夹棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with cotton fabric insertion
夹石棉织物的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion
夹石棉织物及金属丝加强的橡胶 elastomer with asbestos fabric insertion and with wire reinforcement
无石墨压缩白石棉垫片 non graphited compressed white asbestos gasket
天然白橡胶垫片 natural white rubber gasket
压缩石棉垫片 compressed asbestos class gasket
浸聚四氟乙烯的石棉垫片 PTFE impregnated asbestos gasket
夹石棉的缠绕金属垫片 spiral-wound metal gasket with asbestos filler
内环 inner ring
外环,外定位环 outer ring
波纹金属垫片 corrugated metal gasket
波纹金属包嵌石棉垫片 corrugated metal gasket with asbestos inserted
双夹套波纹金属包石棉垫片 corrugated metal double jacketed asbestos filled gasket
双夹套垫片 double jacketed gasket
金属包石棉平垫片 flat metal jacketed asbestos filled gasket
整体金属齿形垫片 solid metal serrated gasket
槽形金属垫片 grooved metal gasket
环形连接金属垫片 ring joint metal gasket
八角环形垫片 octagonal ring gasket
椭圆环形垫片 oval ring gasket
透镜式垫片 lens gasket
非金属垫片 non-metallic gasket

1.6 阀门 Valve
1.6.1 阀门结构、零件
阀轭 yoke
外螺纹阀杆及阀轭 outside screw and yoke (OS & Y)
阀杆 stem
内螺纹 inside screw (IS)
阀轭套 yoke sleeve
阀杆环 stem ring
阀座 valve seat (body seat)
阀座环、密封圈 seat ring
整体(阀)座 integral seat
堆焊(阀)座 deposited seat
阀芯(包括密封圈、杆等内件) trim
阀盘 disc
阀盘密封圈 disc seat
阀体 body
阀盖 bonnet
阀盖衬套 bonnet bush
螺纹阀帽 screw cap
螺纹阀盖 screw bonnet
螺栓连接的阀盖 bolted bonnet (BB)
活接阀盖(帽) union bonnet (cap)
螺栓连接的阀帽 bolted cap (BC)
焊接阀盖 welded bonnet (WB)
本体阀杆密封 body stem seal
石棉安全密封 asbestos emenen seal
倒密封 back seal
压力密封的阀盖 pressure-tight bonnet
动力操纵器 powered operator
电动操纵器 electric motor operator
气动操纵器 pneumatic operator
液压操纵器 hydraulic operator
快速操纵器 quick-acting operator
滑动阀杆 sliding stem
正齿轮传动 spur gear operated
伞齿轮传动 bevel gear operated
扳手操作 wrench operated
链轮 chain wheel
手轮 hand wheel
手柄 hand lever (handle)
气缸(或液压缸)操纵的 cylinder operated
链条操纵的 chain operated
等径孔道 full bore; full port
异径孔道 reducing bore, reduced port,venturi port
短型 short pattern
紧凑型(小型) compact type
笼式环 lantern ring
压盖 gland
阀杆填料 stem packing
阀盖垫片 bonnet gasket
升杆式(明杆) rising stem (RS)
非升杆式(暗杆) non-rising stem (NRS)
指示器/限位器 indicator/stopper
注油器 grease injector
可更换的阀座环 renewable seat ring

1.6.2 常用阀
(1)闸阀 gate valve
平行双闸板 double disc parallel seat
开口楔形闸板 split wedge
挠性整体楔形闸扳 flexible solid wedge
整体楔形闸板 solid wedge
塞型闸阀 plug gate valve
直通型闸阀 through conduit gate valve
(2) 截止阀 globe valve
球心型阀盘 globe type disc
塞型阀盘 plug type disc
可转动的阀盘 swivel disc
(3) 节流闪阀 throttle valve
针阀 needle valve
(4) 角阀 angle valve
(5) Y型阀(Y 型阀体截止阀) Y-valve (Y-body globe valve)
(6) 球阀 ball valve
三通球阀 3-way ball valve
装有底轴的 trunnion mounted
耐火型 fire safe type
浮动球型 floating ball type
防脱出阀杆 blowout proof stem
(7) 蝶阀 butterfly valve
对夹式(薄片型) wafer type
凸耳式 lug type
偏心阀板蝶阀 offset disc burerfly valve; eccentric butterfly valve
斜阀盘蝶阀 canted disc butterfly valve
连杆式蝶阀 link butterfly valve
8) 柱塞阀 piston type valve
(9) 旋塞阀 plug valve
三通旋塞阀 three-way plug valve
四通旋塞阀 four-way plug valve
旋塞 cock
衬套旋塞 sleeve cock
(10) 隔膜阀 diaphragm valve
橡胶衬里隔膜阀 rubber lined diaphragm valve
直通式隔膜阀 straight way diaphragm valve
堰式隔膜阀 weir diaphragm valve
(11) 夹紧式胶管阀 pinch valve(用于泥浆、粉尘等)
(12) 止回阀 check valve
升降式止回阀 lift check valve
旋启式止回阀 swing check valve, flap check valve
落球式止回阀 ball check valve
弹簧球式止回阀 spring ball check valve
双板对夹式止回阀 dual plate wafer type check valve
无撞击声止回阀 non-slam cheek valve
底阀 foot valve
切断式止回阀 stop check valve; non-return valve
活塞式止回阀 piston check valve
斜翻盘止回阀 tilting disc check valve
蝶式止回阀 butterfly check valve

1.6.3 其它用途的阀
全泄气阀 safety valve (SV)
安全泄液阀 relief valve (RV)
安全泄压阀 safety relief valve
杠杆重锤式 lever and weight type
引导阀操纵的安全泄气阀 pilot operated safety valve
复式安全泄气阀 twin type safety valve
罐底排污阀 flush-bottom tank valve
电磁阀 solenoid valve, solenoid operated valve
电动阀 electrically operated valve, electric-motor operated valve
气动阀 pneumatic operated valve
低温用阀 cryogenic service valve
蒸汽疏水阀 steam trap
机械式疏水阎 mechanical trap
浮桶式疏水阀 open bucket trap, open top bucket trap
浮球式疏水阀 float trap
倒吊桶式疏水阀 inverted bucket trap
自由浮球式疏水阀 loose float trap
恒温式疏水阀 thermostatic trap
金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀 metal expansion steam trap
液体膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀 liquid expansion steam trap
双金属膨胀式蒸汽疏水阀 bimetallic expansion steam trap
压力平衡式恒温疏水阀 balanced pressure thermostatic trap
热动力式疏水阀 thermodynamic trap
脉冲式蒸汽疏水阀 impulse steam trap
放气阀(自动放气阀) air vent valve (automatic air vent valve) (疏水阀用)
平板式滑动闸阀 slab type sliding gate valve
盖阀 flat valve
换向阀 diverting valve, reversing valve
热膨胀阀 thermo expansion valve
自动关闭阀 self-closing gate valve
自动排液阀 self-draining valve
管道盲板阀 line-blind valve
挤压阀 squeeze valve(用于泥浆及粉尘等)
呼吸阀 breather valve
风门、挡板 damper
减压阀 pressure reducing valve, reducing valve
控制阀 control valve
膜式控制阀 diaphragm operated control valve
执行机构 actuator
背压调节阀 back pressure regulating valve
差压调节阀 differential pressure regulating valve
压力比例调节阀 pressure ratio regulating valve

1.6.4 未指明结构(或阀型)的阀
切断阀 block valve; shut-off valve; stop valve
调节阀 regulating valve
快开阀 quick opening valve
快闭阀 quick closing valve
隔断阀 isolating valve
三通阀 three way valve
夹套阔 jacketed valve
非旋转式阀 non-rotary valve
排污阀 blowdown valve
集液排放阀 drip valve
排液阀 drain valve
放空阀 vent valve
卸载阀 unloading valve
排出阀 discharge valve
吸入阀 suction valve
多通路阀 multiport valve
取样阀 sampling valve
手动阀 hand-operated valve; manually operated valve
锻造阀 forged valve
铸造阀 cast valve
(水)龙头 bibb; bib; faucet
抽出液阀(小阀) bleed valve
旁路阀 by-pass valve
软管阀 hose valve
混合阀 mixing valve
破真空阀 vacuum breaker
冲洗阀 flush valve
第一道阀;根部阀 primary valve
根部阀 root valve
总管阀 header valve
事故切断阀 emergency valve

1.7 管道特殊件 Piping Specialty

1.7.1 管道特殊件(组件)
粗滤器 strainer
过滤器 filter
临时粗滤器(锥型) temporary strainer (cone type)
y 型粗滤器 y-type strainer
T型粗滤器 T-type strainer
永久过滤器 permanent filter
丝网粗滤器 gauze strainer
洗眼器及淋浴器 eye washer and shower
视镜 sight glass
阻火器 flame arrester
喷嘴;喷头 spray nozzle
取样冷却器 sample cooler
消声器 silencer
膨胀节 expansion joint
波纹膨胀节 bellow expansion joint
单波 single bellow
双波 double bellow
多波 multiple bellow
压力平衡式膨胀节 pressure balanced expansion
带铰链膨胀节 hinged expansion joint
轴向位移型膨胀节 axial movement type expansion joint
自均衡膨胀节(外加强环)self-equalizing expansion joint
带接杆膨胀节 tied expansion joint
万向型膨胀节 universal type expansion joint
球形补偿器 ball type expansion joint
填函式补偿器 slip type (packed type) expansion joint
单向滑动填料函补偿器 single actionpacked slip joint

1.7.2 管道特殊元件Piping Special Element
软管接头 hose connection (HC)
快速接头 quick coupling
金属软管 metal hose
橡胶管 rubber hose
挠性管 flexible tube
鞍形补强板 reinforcing saddles
补强板 reinforcement pad
特殊法兰 special flange
漏斗 funnel
排液环 drip ring
排液漏斗 drain funnel
插板 blank
垫环 spacer
8字盲板 spectacle blind; figure 8 blind
限流孔板 restriction orifice
爆破片 rupture disk
法兰盖贴面 protective disc
费托立克接头 victaulic coupling

1.8 端部连接 End Connection
法兰端 flanged end
坡口端 beveled end (BE)
对焊端 butt welded end
平端 plain end (PE)
承插焊端 socket welding end
螺纹端 threaded end (TE)
承口 bell end
焊接端 welding end
法兰连接(接头) flanged joint
对焊连接(接头) butt welded joint
螺纹连接,管螺纹连接 threaded joint, pipe threaded joint
锥管螺纹密封焊连接 seal-welded taper pipe threaded joint
承插焊连接(接头) socket welded joint
承插连接(接头) bell and spigot joint
环垫接头 ring joint (RJ)
万向接头 universal joint
软钎焊连接(接头) soldered joint
搭接接头,松套连接 lapped joint
外侧厚度切斜角 bevel for outside thickncss
内侧厚度切斜角 bevel for inside thickness
内外侧厚度切斜角 bevel for combined thickness
法兰式的 flanged (FLGD)
对焊的 butt welded (BW)
螺纹的 threaded (THD)
承插焊的 socket welded (SW)
小端为平的 small end plain (SEP)
大端为平的 large end plain (LEP)
两端平 both ends plain (BEP)
小端带螺纹 small end thread (SET)
大端带螺纹 large end thread (LET)
两端带螺纹 both end thread (BET)
一端带螺纹 one end thread (OET)
支管连接 branch connection
焊接支管 branch pipe welded directly to the run pipe

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