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时间:2008-07-01 11:44:41  编辑    加入/取消收藏    订制/取消短消息    举报该贴    

The work-up procedure was also fully optimized. The
magnesium which reacted was precipitated completely as a
basic acetate, and was filtered off. The trace amounts of
magnesium ions in the filtrate were complexed with EDTA
disodium salt, to prevent formation of gelatinous magnesium
hydroxide upon aIkalization. Triethylamine was removed
under reduced pressure at room temperature, and the resulting
product was precipitated as a monooxalate salt单草酸盐or, alter
natively, distilled.
natively ,蒸馏。
As shown in Table 1, the method is most suitable for
preparation of various secondary amines, even those of
considerable steric hindrance (e.g. 3g). It requires approximately
stoichiometric amounts of the reactants, affording usually good
yields (65-80%) of pure products. Where applicable, the
reductive amination with magnesium has some advantages over
other methods (catalytic hydrogenation, NaBH,CN, BH,-py,
Leucart-Wallace reaction). It is very inexpensive, operationally
simple, rapid, relatively non-toxic and suitable for large-scale
preparations, permitting maximum concentration of 0.4-0.6
mol dm-3 of the reactants. Since no reduction of the carbonyl
group was observed (unlike with other reagents), it enables
complete conversion of the carbonyl component, provided that
the amino component is used in excess. This is particularly
advantageous with expensive substrates. In the case of primary
amines, the method is of a limited value and Leucart-Wallace
reaction, oxime reduction, or other methods may be preferred.
Groups which are readily reduced with metallic magnesium are
not compatible with the method, in particular conjugated
double and triple bonds and nitro groups. 如表一所示,该方法大多数适合各种仲胺的制备,也包括那些相当的空间位阻(e.g.3g), 它大约需要化学计量的数额反应,提供良好的通常
收益率( 65-80 % ) 纯的产品。用金属镁做还原胺化有一定的优势比起其他方法(催化加氢,NaBH,CN, BH,-py, Leucart-Wallace 反应),是非常便宜,在运作上
简单,快速,相对无毒性并且适合大生产,允许的最高浓度0.4-0.6 mol马克- 3的反应。由于没有减少羰基
小组观察(不像与其他试剂) ,它使
Table 2 contains selected spectroscopic data for the products.
回复人:quick208, (以父之名) 时间:2008-07-02 08:52:20   编辑 1楼

回复人:高粱米大碴子, () 时间:2008-07-02 01:26:01   编辑 2楼
The work-up procedure was also fully optimized. The
magnesium which reacted was precipitated completely as a
basic acetate, and was filtered off. The trace amounts of
magnesium ions in the filtrate were complexed with EDTA
disodium salt, to prevent formation of gelatinous magnesium
hydroxide upon aIkalization. Triethylamine was removed
under reduced pressure at room temperature, and the resulting
product was precipitated as a monooxalate salt or, alternatively, distilled.
反应后(处理)步骤已经完全优化。反应后的镁以碱性醋酸盐的形式被完全沉淀下来 由过滤(除去)。滤液中微量镁离子分别与EDTA 二钠盐螯合,以防止溶液碱化后形成的凝胶状氢氧化镁。三乙胺在室温下由减压蒸馏法除去。产物可以为草酸单盐形式沉淀,或用蒸馏得到。

As shown in Table 1, the method is most suitable for
preparation of various secondary amines, even those of
considerable steric hindrance (e.g. 3g). It requires approximately
stoichiometric amounts of the reactants, affording usually good
yields (65-80%) of pure products. Where applicable, the
reductive amination with magnesium has some advantages over
other methods (catalytic hydrogenation, NaBH,CN, BH,-py,
Leucart-Wallace reaction). It is very inexpensive, operationally
simple, rapid, relatively non-toxic and suitable for large-scale
preparations, permitting maximum concentration of 0.4-0.6
mol dm-3 of the reactants. Since no reduction of the carbonyl
group was observed (unlike with other reagents), it enables
complete conversion of the carbonyl component, provided that
the amino component is used in excess. This is particularly
advantageous with expensive substrates. In the case of primary
amines, the method is of a limited value and Leucart-Wallace
reaction, oxime reduction, or other methods may be preferred.
Groups which are readily reduced with metallic magnesium are
not compatible with the method, in particular conjugated
double and triple bonds and nitro groups.
如表一所示,该方法大多数适合各种仲胺的制备,甚至包括那些(有)相当的空间位阻的(仲胺)(e.g. 3g), 它大约需要化学计量的反应(物),通常给于较好产率( 65-80 % )的纯产品。比较其他方法(例如催化加氢,NaBH,CN, BH,-py, Leucart-Wallace 反应),用金属镁做还原胺化有一定的优势。它非常便宜,操作简单,快速,相对无毒性并且适合大(量)生产(制备),允许的反应物的最高浓度可达0.4-0.6 M。由于没有观察到羰基的还原(不同与其他试剂),在过量的情况下,它能完成羰基到氨基的(完全)转换。当用于非常昂贵的反应物这一点显得尤其重要。在伯胺的制备上,这个方法有一点定的限制,而Leucart-Wallace反应,oxime 还原反应或其他方法会更有效。一些容易被金属镁还原集团不适合用于此反应,尤其是共轭双键和三键以及硝基
Table 2 contains selected spectroscopic data for the products.

[该帖子已被高粱米大碴子在2008-07-02 02:50:31编辑过]

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