
类型:求助 (悬赏分:3分)
时间:2008-07-06 18:04:28  编辑    加入/取消收藏    订制/取消短消息    举报该贴    

Into a 250 cm3, twonecked
flask, equipped with a reflux condenser and a dropping
funnel were charged cyclohexanone (4.91 g, 5.2 cm3, 50 mmol),
phenethylamine (5.45 g, 5.65 cm3, 45 mmol), Et,N (15.18 g,
20.9 cm3, 150 mmol) and MeOH (60 cm3). The mixture was
stirred magnetically and cooled (water bath), while AcOH (12.0
g, 11.45 cm3, 200 mmol) was added with a pipette below the
surface of the liquid. The dropping funnel was also charged
with AcOH (12.0 g, 11.45 cm3, 200 mmol) in MeOH (10 cm3).
Finally, Mg (5.47 g, 225 mmol) was added to the mixture which
was then stirred vigorously (I 200-1 800 rpm, large stirring bar),
under reflux, for 2 h. After this, AcOH was added, portionwise,
from the dropping funnel, over a 2 h period. After a further
period under reflux ( I h), the mixture was cooled to 20-25 "C
and filtered with a medium porosity sinter funnel. The
precipitate was removed from the funnel and stirred
magnetically with MeOH (50 cm3) for 5 min before it was again
filtered. Finally, it was washed, with thorough manual stirring
on the funnel, with Et,O (70 cm3). If the combined filtrate
contained some precipitate, it was filtered through a less porous
sinter funnel. A solution of K,CO, (15 g) and EDTA disodium
salt (3.0 g) in water (70 cm3) was added to the filtrate, and the
mixture concentrated on a rotatory evaporator (20-25 "C, 25
min). The resulting emulsion was extracted with Et,O (3 x 70
cm3) and the combined extracts were dried (K,CO,) and
evaporated. The residue was dissolved in MeOH (20 cm3) and
added slowly, with magnetic stirring, to the solution of anh.
oxalic acid (5.40 g, 60 mmol) in MeOH (50 cm3). The mixture
was cooled to - 20 "C after which the precipitated monooxalatesalt was filtered off, washed with Et,O (50 cm3), and dried
(80 "C, 6 h). It may be recrystallized from hot methanol; yield
10.45 g (79%, calculated with reference to the 2-phenylethyamine
used). The free amine was obtained by treatment
of the oxalate salt with K,C03 (20 g) in water (100 cm3) and
extraction with CH2C12 (2 x 50 cm3). The combined extracts
were dried (K,CO,), and evaporated (rotatory evaporator) and
the residue was vacuum distilled, to afford the pure amine (6.92
g, 7573, bp 148-155 "C/12 Torr.


回复人:quick208, (以父之名) 时间:2008-07-07 10:41:37   编辑 1楼
我就是觉得有点乱 所以叫大家帮忙

回复人:hichemcz40,▲▲ (认真做人、踏实做事!) 时间:2008-07-06 18:12:46   编辑 2楼

回复人:afc,★★ (氟化学产品) 时间:2008-07-07 12:11:31   编辑 3楼

在配有冷凝器和滴加漏斗的250毫升的两口烧瓶内,加入环已酮(4.91 g, 5.2 cm3, 50 mmol),苯乙胺(5.45 g, 5.65 cm3, 45 mmol),Et,N (15.18 g,20.9 cm3, 150 mmol),甲醇(60 cm3)。开动搅拌,水浴冷却,将乙酸(12.0g, 11.45 cm3, 200 mmol)用移液管加入到液面下。滴加漏斗内装入溶于甲醇(10 cm3)中的乙酸(12.0 g, 11.45 cm3, 200 mmol)溶液。最后,将Mg (5.47 g, 225 mmol)加入到混合物内,强烈搅拌(1200-1 800 转/分, 大搅拌棒),回流反应2小时。之后,将乙酸用2小时的时间分批加入,加毕,继续回流1小时。然后,冷却到20-25度,用一个中等孔隙的漏斗过滤。将滤饼取出,加入甲醇(50 cm3),搅拌5分钟,再次过滤,最后,再漏斗内,边人工搅拌,边用Et,O (70 cm3)洗滤饼。如果合并的滤液含有沉淀,再用小一点孔径的漏斗过滤。将K,CO, (15 g)和EDTA钠盐(3.0 g)溶于水(70 cm3)的溶液加入到滤液内,将混合物在旋转蒸发器上浓缩(20-25 "C, 25min),浓缩液用Et,O (3 x 70cm3)萃取三次,合并的萃取液用(K,CO,)干燥,浓缩。剩余物溶于甲醇(20 cm3)内,在搅拌下,将其慢慢加入到溶于甲醇(50 cm3)中的草酸(5.40 g, 60 mmol)的溶液中,冷却至20度,过滤得单草酸盐,用Et,O (50 cm3)洗,干燥(80 "C, 6 h)。也可以用热甲醇重结晶,得到10.45 g(以苯乙胺计,收率79%)。用碳酸钾的水溶液处理草酸盐,用二氯甲烷萃取(2 x 50 cm3),合并的萃取液干燥,浓缩,减压蒸馏,可得纯游离胺(6.92g, 7573, bp 148-155 "C/12 Torr).

回复人:quick208, (以父之名) 时间:2008-07-07 12:44:17   编辑 4楼

回复人:klair, (向各位有学识有经验的老师学习!) 时间:2008-07-07 12:51:38   编辑 5楼
Et,N 应该是Et3N 吗

回复人:quick208, (以父之名) 时间:2008-07-07 17:07:23   编辑 6楼

回复人:quick208, (以父之名) 时间:2008-07-07 17:05:34   编辑 7楼

回复人:quick208, (以父之名) 时间:2008-08-06 10:51:34   编辑 8楼

得分人:afc :3,

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