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回复人:tangyyer,★★★★★ (有空来逛逛my blog: http://tangyyer.blog.hexun.com) 时间:2008-11-12 13:13:42   编辑 1楼
Copper(II) chloride (CuCl2)
Synonym(s): Copper chloride. Cupric chloride
Chapman Hall Number: JVX76-V
CAS Registry Number: 7447-39-4
Related CAS Registry Numbers(s): 1344-67-8

Molecular Formula: Cl2Cu
Molecular Weight: 134.451
Accurate Mass: 132.877302
Percentage Composition: Cl 52.74%; Cu 47.26%
General Statement: Struct. contains chains of square planar CuCl2CuCl2
Use/Importance: Catalyst; used in petroleum industry as deodorising, desulfurising and purifying agent; in refining Cu, Ag, Au; in photography as fixer and desensitiser, in manuf. of acrylonitrile, in pigments, as feed-additive, wood preservative, disinfectant. Used in org. synth. as a chlorinating agent, oxidising agent and Lewis acid. Starting material for Cu compds.
Physical Description: Deliquescent yellow to brown microcryst. powder
Melting Point: Mp 630 (extrap.)
Solubility: Sol. H2O, EtOH, Me2CO
Other Data: Part. dec. 300 to CuCl + Cl2. Mp of 498 often reported is for mixt. CuCl2/CuCl. Forms dihydrate in moist air
Hazard Toxicity: Irritating to skin, mucous membranes. Ingestion of large amounts of Cu salts (15-75 mg Cu) causes gastrointestinal disturbances. Haemolysis, hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects, and death have also been reported from acute exposure. Chronic Cu toxicity is not known in normal human beings but the toxicity of Cu in patients with Wilson's disease is well documented. LD50 (rat, orl) 584 mg/kg
RTECS Accession Number: GL7000000

回复人:tangyyer,★★★★★ (有空来逛逛my blog: http://tangyyer.blog.hexun.com) 时间:2008-11-12 13:14:13   编辑 2楼
Iron(II) chloride (FeCl2)
Synonym(s): Iron chloride. Ferrous chloride. Iron dichloride
Chapman Hall Number: HPN20-Q
CAS Registry Number: 7758-94-3
Extra CAS Registry Numbers(s): 23838-02-0
Type of Compound Code(s): NC0225 XA0970

Molecular Formula: Cl2Fe
Molecular Weight: 126.752
Accurate Mass: 125.872643
Percentage Composition: Cl 55.94%; Fe 44.06%
General Statement: Monomeric in vapour phase, but dimer present as temp. rises. Shows CdCl2 to CdI2 type phase change in solid state
Source/Synthesis: Synth. from (1) Fe + HCl, (2) FeCl3 + H2, H2S or PhCl, (3) thermal dec.of FeCl3, (4) Fe + Cl2 electrochem. in MeCN
Use/Importance: Synthetic precursor; mordant; catalyst for numerous processes; patented for use in hair dye
Biological Use/Importance: Used to treat iron-deficiency anaemia
Physical Description: White cryst. when pure. Hygroscopic
Melting Point: Mp 676
Boiling Point: Bp 1012
Solubility: Sol. H2O; sl. sol. C6H6; insol. Et2O
Other Data: Antiferromagnetic below 23.5K. eff = 5.87B (300K). Forms mono, di, tetra and hexahydrates
Hazard Toxicity: LD50 (rat, orl) 450 mg/kg
RTECS Accession Number: NO5400000

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