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想知道美国专利关于合成乙二醇二缩水甘油醚的专利号 或者 查到该专利的方法 谢谢 必有分
回复人:qdlct2002,▲▲▲▲ (澳大利亚--我的梦想家园!) 时间:2009-05-22 16:02:31   编辑 1楼
Copyright (c) 1999 American Chemical Society All Rights Reserved.

Synthetic fabrics for reinforcement of rubber.
(Teijin Ltd., Japan). Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 56154579 A2 30 Nov 1981 Showa, 6 pp. (Japanese). (Japan). CODEN: JKXXAF. CLASS: IC: D06M015-28. ICA: D06N003-12. APPLICATION: JP 80-55481 28 Apr 1980. DOCUMENT TYPE: Patent CA Section: 39 (Synthetic Elastomers and Natural Rubber)
The adhesion of synthetic fabrics from polyamide and epoxide-finished polyester yarns to rubber is increased by treatment with mixts. of 2-5:1 HCHO-resorcinol resin (I) [24969-11-7] and diphenylmethanediethyleneurea (II) [7417-99-4]. Thus, spun polyester filaments were coated with a dispersion of ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether [2224-15-9] to 0.5% pickup, drawn, heated at 200°, and twisted. A fabric from the finished yarn and nylon 6 was treated with a dispersion of 6% of 40% soln. of 1:1 I and 8% of aq. 25% II, dried, heated 120 s at 205°, embedded in compounded rubber, and vulcanized 20 min at 150°. Rubber-fiber adhesion was high for the product, but low for a fabric finished with a compn. contg. 0.4:1 I.

回复人:qdlct2002,▲▲▲▲ (澳大利亚--我的梦想家园!) 时间:2009-05-22 16:05:29   编辑 2楼
Copyright (c) 1999 American Chemical Society All Rights Reserved.

Preparation of water absorption resins.
Makita, Muneharu; Tanioku, Katsuzo; Sato, Kyoshi (Arakawa Chemical Industries, Ltd., Japan). Jpn. Kokai Tokkyo Koho JP 60177004 A2 11 Sep 1985 Showa, 6 pp. (Japanese). (Japan). CODEN: JKXXAF. CLASS: ICM: C08F008-00. ICS: C08G018-62; C08G059-40; C08L033-02. APPLICATION: JP 84-33838 23 Feb 1984. DOCUMENT TYPE: Patent CA Section: 35 (Chemistry of Synthetic High Polymers)
Title polymers with improved properties are manufd. by crosslinking 1 part water-absorbing polymer having carboxylate-contg. monomer units with crosslinkers having ³2 functional groups in inert solvents in the presence of 0.001-0.3 part hydrophilic polyhydric alc. and inert inorg. powder. Thus, a slurry contg. Arasorb [poly(K acrylate)] 100, Aerosil 200 (I) 1, EtOH 130, ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether 0.45, and glycerol 10 g was heated ~0.5 h at 180° and distd. in vacuo to give 100 g product showing water absorption 380 g/g, compared with 320 for a product prepd. similarly using 300 parts MeOH and 30 parts water instead of I, EtOH, and glycerol.

回复人:qdlct2002,▲▲▲▲ (澳大利亚--我的梦想家园!) 时间:2009-05-22 16:06:59   编辑 3楼
Copyright (c) 1997 American Chemical Society All Rights Reserved.

Synthesis of polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ethers by phase-transfer catalysis.
Chen, Yunyin; Feng, Minhua (Wuhan University, Peop. Rep. China). Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shuomingshu CN 86104089 A 24 Jan 1987, 6 pp. (People's Republic of China) CODEN: CNXXEV. CLASS: ICM: C07D303-12. APPLICATION: CN 86-104089 17 Jun 1986. DOCUMENT TYPE: Patent CA Section: 27 (Heterocyclic Compounds (One Hetero Atom)) Section cross-reference(s): 1

The title ethers (I; n = integer), useful as antitumor agents (no data), are prepd. by phase-transfer catalysis. Heating a mixt. of HO(CH2CH2O)4H 75, glycidyl chloride 185, and KOH 56 g in CH2Cl2 contg. PEG-400 at 50° gave 56% I (n = 4). Three other prepns. gave I (n = 1, 2, 3) in 30, 38, and 54% yield, resp.
polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether antitumor
glycidyl ether polyethylene glycol antitumor

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