
问题:【Ansel's pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems】
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Product Description
Long established as a core text for pharmaceutics courses, this book is the most comprehensive source on pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems. Each chapter in this revised Eighth Edition includes two case studies—one clinical and one pharmaceutical. Content coincides with the CAPE, APhA, and NAPLEX competencies.
This edition includes updated drug information and expanded sections on parenterals, excipients, liposomes, and biopharmaceutics. Coverage incorporates all new dosage forms in the current USP Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary. Capsules and tablets are now covered in separate chapters. The thoroughly revamped illustration program includes new product and manufacturing equipment photographs.

Product Details
Paperback: 672 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 8 edition (August 1, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0781746124
ISBN-13: 978-0781746120

PAUL BISSELL, JANINE MORGALL TRAULSEN. Sociology and Pharmacy Practice. London: Pharmaceutical Press; 2005. 226 pp, $99.95 (hardcover), ISBN 0-85369-613-6.
Reviewed By: Ana C. Quinones, PhD, MS
Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy

Corresponding Author: Ana C. Quinones, PhD, MS. Address: Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy. E-mail: aquino@midwestern.edu

Sociology and Pharmacy Practice is a book written by 2 European academicians trained as sociologists but actively involved in pharmacy practice research in their respective countries. As such, the authors/editors are uniquely able to support the main thesis of this book: how social theory can help in the development of pharmacy practice-related research. The authors specifically state that this is a book ``written primarily for pharmacists as well as other researchers doing pharmacy practice research who believe that studies conducted with a well-thought-out and argued methodology are more valuable than method with no theoretical anchoring.'' The book consists of 10 chapters, most of them addressing a specific sociological construct. The first chapter sets the tone for the book by introducing the meaning and goals of sociology and medical sociology. The theories/concepts discussed in the book include those of Karl Marx (Chapter 2), Talcott Parsons/Functionalism (Chapter 3), Symbolic Interactionism (Chapter 4), Feminism (Chapter 5), Race and Ethnicity (Chapter 6), Michel Foucault (Chapter 7), Risk (Chapter 8), and Professionalisation (Chapter 9). Though summarizing constructs that have been the topic of books by themselves can be a daunting task, the authors did a remarkable job at delivering the essence of each concept. Most chapters include criticisms of the theory under consideration as well as specific examples of how these constructs might be relevant to pharmacy research. A very helpful feature of each chapter was the inclusion of a list of resources for further reading. As an academician trained in the discipline of pharmacy social and administrative sciences, I believe Sociology and Pharmacy Practice provides an excellent overview of how major sociological approaches might be helpful when attempting to answer current research questions in our field. I have to agree with the authors' statement that ``pharmacy practice research is essentially an insular, inward-looking discipline that does not reach out to other disciplines for ideas in its research.'' I recommend this book to other faculty members and graduate students in the field; it would be a logical inclusion in a pharmacy social research-type course. 1

LOYD V. ALLEN, JR, NICHOLAS G POPOVICH, HOWARD C. ANSEL. Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, 8th Edition. Baltimore, Md: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005.
Reviewed By: L.Clifton Fuhrman Jr.
South Carolina College of Pharmacy-USC Campus

The eighth edition of Ansel's Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems has a significant change to its title. The text now bears the name of its original author, Howard Ansel. In the academia field of pharmaceutics, …

[该帖子已被claymore在2009-11-17 14:44:29编辑过]
回复人:claymore,★★★★★ (C-H活化,kumada,suzuki,stille,negishi.cross-coupling.) 时间:2009-11-17 14:44:22   编辑 1楼



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