我公司生产:六甲基二硅氮烷,环丁酮,环丁醇,溴甲基环丙烷,环丁基溴,环丙甲醛,LiHMDS, NaHMDS, LDA, KHMDS


人才招聘:外企诚聘压力容器审图师 阅读971

[人才招聘] 外企诚聘压力容器审图师
[工作地点] 上海
[学    历] 本科
[薪    金] 12K左右
[公司名称] 上海欧立文企业管理咨询有限公司
[联系人名] 肖小姐
[电子邮件] info@olivecoach.com
[联系电话] 021-50594313
[发布日期] 2007-10-29 10:13:18
薪资待遇: 标准外企福利,海外ASME取证培训机会

Pressure Vessel drawing appraisal surveyor

Key Responsibility:
• To carry out technical inspections/assessments against defined specifications/scope that includes budget constraints and contractual requirements
• To produce a reports/certificates/documents to an agreed format and within an agreed timescale
• Data collection, analysis and presentation
• Create and maintain technical file systems. Maintain computer databases. Provide administrative assistance as required.
• To communicate customer feedback
• Conduct activities in line with internal procedures, accreditation schemes, legislation and industry standards

Specific Responsibility:
•Pressure Vessel drawing appraisal
•Technical support to factories and Pressure Vessel inspectors
•Related ISO ad code update
•Type test report review

Key Requirement (i.e. qualifications, experience, discipline etc.):
•Bachelor degree, major in mechanical engineering
•Knowledge of pressure vessel regulation and code (ASME, PED, GB…)
•Knowledge/experience of pressure vessel design
•Knowledge of materials and welding technology
•Five years experiences of B&PV at least
•Limit analysis knowledge is preferred.

olivecoach@126.com, info@olivecoach.com, xiaoliyun@yahoo.com

上海欧立文企业管理咨询有限公司 肖小姐
Tele: 86-21-5059 4313
86-21-6845 3664

QQ: 150437813 (欢迎在线联系)
MSN: ocg_oil@hotmail.com