我公司生产:六甲基二硅氮烷,环丁酮,环丁醇,溴甲基环丙烷,环丁基溴,环丙甲醛,LiHMDS, NaHMDS, LDA, KHMDS


人才招聘:外企诚聘压力容器检验师/压容设计审图师 阅读887

[人才招聘] 外企诚聘压力容器检验师/压容设计审图师
[工作地点] 宁波/石家庄/太仓/哈尔滨
[学    历]
[薪    金] 12,000人民币/月
[联系人名] Vicky Dong
[电子邮件] vicky_dong@olivecoach
[联系电话] 86-21-5059 1564
[发布日期] 2008-07-14 10:30:13
薪资待遇: 12,000人民币/月左右,外加丰厚出差补贴,标准外企福利,海外ASME取证培训机会



Job description:
1. Report directly to PE & Material Manager
2. Responsible for the related products (e.g. pressure equipment including transportable pressure equipment but not limited) inspection/test during the manufacture, fabrication, installation or in service, and/or certification as per regulation/directive and company requirements.
3. Execution of the project including (but not limited) the co-ordinate the inquiry and quotation, test program preparation, carry out the test and inspection, test and inspection report, complete project dossier etc. to ensure conformity to specification and company requirements.
4. Expedite the project within the schedule
5. Develop a good work relationship with the clients
6. Assist in the business development and Marketing and sales

1. Bachelor degree or above in chemical mechanics, chemical equipment, boiler, heat energy, material engineering, welding and NDT
2. At least 4 years actual experience in design, manufacture, inspection or other related working experience
3. Familiar with standards of boiler and pressure equipment, such as EN and/or ASME and/or GB 150
4. ASME AI/AIS is preferable
5. Authorized inspector or auditor by PED/TPED is preferable
6. Fluent communication in Chinese and good command of spoken and written English


上海欧立文企业管理咨询有限公司 Vicky Dong
Tel: 86-21-5059 1564,86-21-6845 3664

QQ: 635625474(欢迎在线联系)
MSN: ocg_marine@hotmail.com